In order to survive we cling to all we know and understand thus we label it realty but knowledge and understanding are ambiguous “the reality could be an illusion” all human live with the wrong assumption

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Last night I hang out with two pretty girls. Oops, sorry they are not girl anymore they already women.hehehe, I’m the one asking them to hang out with me. Actually, the reason I asking them to hang out with me I just wanted to read them. Sorry sis this is actually my hidden agenda.:-)

Did I got something from them? Nope,I got nothing from them. Eventhough  I threw a few bait but they never bite at all. Either they are just themselves or they already mastered the EI knowledge. I don’t believe they already mastered emotional intelligent knowledge because one of them have problem with my friend. As long as you have problem with people you are not emotional intelligent person.

Okay, I bought a book about EI long time ago. I only finish read half of it. The author is a European. The word he used is beyond my knowledge. From the half read of the book what I can say is if you want to be EI person you must separate personal feeling attachment over everything and your goal is only your priority. Nonsense if I can do that.

Sis if you want to borrow this book from me. I can give it to you but you must return it back to me.FYI, I only make my book as a gift when I consider a person  is a special person in my life and I don’t care whether they think I’m special or not. Why I’m saying about it.

Sis, you want me to answer your question last night .Okay, It is true I can’t answer to you properly that night. The reason I can’t answer your question last night because nobody ever ask me the question before.  When people read my blog they just give me compliment.

This blog actually was an assignment given by dr.bano. he was my former English lecturer from  uitm Melaka campus. After he read first two of my blog article he sent me an email. He said considering I’m kelantaness my EL is good and he also encouraged me to write often because he believed one day I’ll be good writer. I can show the email to you if you want to read it on your own. He is one of my blog follower. You can see his name down there.

You have your point when you said i don’t need to be good in EL because when I work i only use malay language to communicate unless I work at big firm. It just like you slap me when I heard you said that. All my work hard to improve my EL actually is nothing.

Both of you made me realized by memorizing 300 english song, watching numerous english movie and tv series repetitively, memorizing an articles everytime i bought NST and The Star and bought a few english grammar book just wasting my money and time.

 what both of you said is true it just useless to learn EL.

sis, when we learn EL we will discover a lot of new thing. this world is not all about the money. 

 EL:english language

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do agree..All the best..